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英语翻译世界杯(第1416期:A gold medal for … partying)

2022-12-01 浏览:



第1416期:A gold medal for … partying

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Brazilians certainly know how to throw a party – but will Rio be ready to welcome over 10,000 athletes and all the international visitors to the 2016 Olympics? At the moment, some natives of Rio (known locally as 'Cariocas') aren't too enthusiastic about the Games. They know they'll be putting up with a lot more roadworks and infrastructure building before the Olympic torch is lit in the Maracanã Stadium next August.

巴西人当然知道如何举办派对——但里约热内卢是否准备好迎接 10,000 多名运动员和所有国际游客参加 2016 年奥运会?目前,里约的一些当地人(当地人称为“Cariocas”)对奥运会不太热情。他们知道,在明年 8 月在马拉卡纳体育场点燃奥运火炬之前,他们将进行更多的道路工程和基础设施建设。

Delays in venue construction gave the International Olympic Committee a fright in 2014. The government has since cleaned up its act and was praised recently for being ''on the right track'', although the challenge of cleaning up the highly polluted waters of the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon and Guanabara Bay – venues for the sailing and rowing competitions – remains.

2014 年,场馆建设的延误让国际奥委会感到震惊。此后,政府清理了自己的行为,最近因“走在正确的轨道上”而受到称赞,尽管清理罗德里戈高污染水域的挑战de Freitas 泻湖和瓜纳巴拉湾——帆船和赛艇比赛的场地——仍然存在。

Fortunately, Brazil has learnt a lot from hosting the World Cup in 2014. Some businesses realised they were missing a trick by not communicating well with their international customers. Restaurants now know that using the internet to translate the menu isn't always a good idea: 'bife a cavalo' isn't really 'horse steak' – it's beef with a fried egg on top!

幸运的是,巴西从 2014 年举办世界杯中学到了很多东西。一些企业意识到,他们与国际客户的沟通不畅,错过了一个窍门。餐馆现在知道使用互联网翻译菜单并不总是一个好主意:“bife a cavalo”并不是真正的“马牛排”——它是牛肉上面放了一个煎鸡蛋!

Security was a key challenge in 2014 – and during the Olympics, the police will be working hard to prevent street crime. As with other developing countries, crime rates are high, and visitors will be encouraged to keep their wits about them so as to avoid falling victim to pickpockets or muggers.

安全是 2014 年的主要挑战——在奥运会期间,警方将努力防止街头犯罪。与其他发展中国家一样,犯罪率很高,游客将被鼓励保持警惕,以免成为扒手或抢劫犯的受害者。

So while the Cariocas are already becoming athletes – by jumping and running across construction sites on their daily commute – they know that the Games have the potential to be a great spectacle, they will be able to let their hair down, and international visitors will have a good time in their company.

因此,虽然 Cariocas 已经成为运动员——通过在日常通勤中跳跃和跑过建筑工地——他们知道奥运会有可能成为一个伟大的奇观,他们将能够放下头发,国际游客将有在他们公司度过了愉快的时光。

Even those Brazilians who have their reservations, know deep down something that others don't. An old local saying goes: 'Deus é Brasileiro' ('God is Brazilian'). They hope he will give them a hand to make the games a success. And you can be sure that whatever happens – or doesn't happen – Brazilians will show the world why they have such a reputation as party people!

即使是那些持保留意见的巴西人,也深知其他人不知道的事情。当地有句古老的谚语:“Deus é Brasileiro”(“上帝是巴西人”)。他们希望他能帮助他们使比赛取得成功。而且你可以肯定,无论发生什么——或者没有发生——巴西人都会向世界展示为什么他们有如此盛名的派对人!