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我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

2022-12-01 浏览:


我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

(代序:2020年1月27日,一架直升机在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县卡拉巴萨斯市坠毁,造成9人死亡,也为前NBA球员41岁的科比的精彩传奇画上惊叹号。据悉,飞行员飞向云层的决定,造成“空间定向障碍”(spatial disorientation),并在迷雾中迷失方向。

美国国家运输安全委员会表示,飞机坠毁导致机上9人包括科比·布莱恩特和他13岁的女儿吉安娜。…NTSB says pilot in deadly crash that killed all 9 aboard including Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna was disoriented in clouds. …)现选早年体现他风采的粉丝佳文,共祭在天的天才球星,附作者原文。


我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

科比·布莱恩特,为洛杉矶湖人队效力的美国职业篮球运动员,他曾获得许多荣誉和奖品,包括四次摘金NBA (美国国家篮球协会) 冠军。最近的一次夺冠就是该撰文年初。同年NBA总决赛,他还荣勋“最具价值球员”奖。




我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)





我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)









我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

Kobe Bryant, a professional American basketball player who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers, has won many honors and awards including four NBA Championship victories. The most recent was earlier this year. He also was named Most Valuable Player in this year's NBA finals series.

Kobe Bryant has been the top scorer in many basketball games. In 2005, he scored eighty-one points in one game. That is the second highest in NBA history.

He is the reason why people love basketball. All over the world, people worship Bryant- as they should.

The guy is simply the best.

If you saw the Olympic Games in China where Kobe is revered as he should be, he got the loudest cheers out of all the thousands of athletes from all around the globe. This is because people recognize skill and talent when they see it.

He plays with grace, talent, speed, and determination.“If everybody does their work with the type of determination that Kobe employs at basketball, the world will be such a better place.”That' what I have often been quoted.

I have watched lots of videos of Michael Jordan and Kareem Abdul Jabbar and the other all-time greats and reached a conclusion-none of the all-time greats are better than Kobe Bryant. His skills his determination, dribbling skills,pump-fakes,passing, ability to deliver in clutch, and, in general, his all around game are second to none.

I've seen Jordan’s best games. He did not,I repeat,he did not do anything that Kobe cannot do.

This guy is the epitome of a basketball player.

He is neither bigger nor stronger than others, nor is he much taller than others. What he has is pure skill, which has made him the best player to ever play the game of basketball.

Jordan gained most of his popularity because folks liked his charisma, and he was popular with Nike ads and his signature shoes.

Bryant is the best player to ever touch the round ball-the current NBA players agree, and th opponent’s fans certainly agree (you have more Kobe Bryant jerseys than anyone else at Lakers away games.)

The only people who don’t agree are those who, for some reason or other, just want to push Lebron James into superstardom that he lacks the skill,experience,or determination to handle.

Make no mistake-Shaq would not have won any championships without Bryant.

Let us keep enjoying Bryant,because there will only be one Kobe Bryant. He is the best to ever play the round ball.

All hail Bryant-The Best Basketball Player Ever.

我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)

我的篮球偶像是科比英语(Kobe Bryant, The Greatest Basketball Player篮球巨星科比)
