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2022-12-01 浏览:

4、shall \ should


shall 表示征求对方意见或请求,用于第一、三人称疑问句中。“可以。。。

Shall I open the door for you ? 要我为你开门吗?

Shall I use your ruler for a moment ? 我可以用一会儿你的尺子吗?

Shall they go to Beijing with me tomorrow ? 他们可以明天跟我去北京吗?


Jenny's mother tells her that she shall get a gift if she passes the exam. 珍妮的妈妈告诉她,如果她考试及格了,她会得到一份礼物。

You shall wake up early tomorrow morning since you have to get up early. 既然你明天不得不早起床,你就得早点醒来。


2) should

should “应该”,should只需要记住这个含义就可以了。高中阶段还需要掌握 should have 过去分词, “本应该做..."

You should have gone to see a doctor. 你本应该去看医生的。

You shouldn't have fought with your friends. 你本不应该与你的朋友打架的。

should 在虚拟语气中运用频繁,我们在虚拟语气中专门讲解。

5、will \ would

1)will \ would 征求对方意见或提出请求,用于第二人称疑问句中。would不是过去式,而表示委婉的语气。

Will you go with me tomorrow ? Sure. 你明天能跟我一起去吗? 当然。

Would you please open the door ? 请你把门打开好吗?

2)will 作为情态动词,表示现在或将来的意愿,构成一般将来时,would表示过去的意愿,构成过去将来时

I will have a walk after breakfast with my friend every day. 每天早饭后我会和我的朋友散步。

He promised he would do his best to work hard. 他答应他会尽大努力把工作做好。



The old man is strange, he will sit for hours without saying anything. 这个老人很奇怪,他会坐上几个小时一句话也不说。

We would watch TV for an hour after supper when we lived in Dongfeng. 当我们生活在东风时,我们会晚饭后看一个小时电视。


-- Someone is knocking at the door. -- Okay, I will open the door. -- 有人在敲门。-- 好的,我去开门吧。(自己主动去开门,不需要别人安排)


Would you …… ? 可以请你 ... 吗?

Will you …… ? 请你做 ... 好吗?

Would you please ……… ? 请你 ... 好吗?

Shall I …… ? 我 ... 好吗?

Shall we …… ? 我们 ... 好吗?

Would you like … … ? 你想要 ... 吗?


Would you please go to school on foot?

Will you please go to school on foot ?


Shall I walk to school ?

6、used to

used to 动词原形,表示过去常常做某事。同学们把它个短语理解为:used是use的过去式也可以的。

used to do sth 理解为used 后面跟不定式,一般过去时。这样更方便同学们掌握。

Mr Feng used to live and work in Dongfeng Space Town. 冯老师过去生活、工作在东风航天城。

I used to go to school on foot. 我过去常常走着上学。


1)didn’t use to 动词原形

I used to go to school on foot. → I didn't use to go to school on foot.

2)usedn’t to 动词原形

Mr Smith used to be an engineer. → Mr Smith usedn't to be an engineer.


1)句首加助动词Did,used 还原为use。

Mr Smith used to be an engineer. → Did Mr Smith use to be an engineer ?

Did you use to go to school on foot ?

2) 把used 提前

Mr Smith used to be an engineer. → Used Mr Smith to be an engineer ?

注意与used 有关的其它两个搭配的用法:

Be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

I am used to getting up at 5:00 every morning.

Be used to do sth 被用来做某事 (这是被动语态的句子结构)

The ruler is used to draw lines. 尺子是用来划线的。


利用used to do、be used to do、be used to doing翻译下列句子。

1、 他过去是一个足球运动员。He used to be a foot player.

2、 我们习惯了早起读英语。We are used to getting up early to read English.

3、 这些笔可以用来写点什么。These pens may be used to write something.

4、 我妈妈过去常常早饭做面条,但是她现在习惯了买着吃。

My mum used to cook noodles for breakfast, but now she is used to buying something for us to eat.

5、 这件衣服可以用来防寒。

The clothes is used to keep me from cold.

7、Need 需要 、

need主要把握两点,一个是情态动词的用法,后面直接 动词原形;二是实义动词的用法,后面 to do

我们只要记住:need 动词原形,就是情态动词;need to 动词原形,就是实义动词

1)I need buy a pen. 情态动词

→ I needn’t buy a pen.

→ Need I buy a pen? Yes, you must. No, you needn't.


2)I need to buy a pen. 实义动词

→I don’t need to buy a pen.

→ Do you need to buy a pen ? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

3)He needs to eat an apple.

→He doesn’t need to eat an apple.

→ Does he need to eat an apple ? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

4)He needed to go to Jiuquan last night.

→ He didn't need to go to Jiuquan last night.

→Did he need to go to Jiuquan last night ? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.


8、had better

had better我们只需要把它看作是一个整体单词就可以了。这时had不是过去式

had better 动词原形

You had better have a good rest.

had better not 动词原形

We had better not paint the house at this season. 我们最好在这个季节不要刷房子。


Had I better not tell anyone about today's discussion ? 我最好不要把今天的讨论告诉任何人吗?

(Had I not better tell anyone .... ... ?)

(Hadn't I better tell anyone ... ... ? )

