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2022-11-18 浏览:


The Tokyo Olympic Games will start on July 23, 2021 and run to August 8 after being postponed for a year because of the coronavirus pandemic.由于新冠肺炎疫情而推迟的东京奥运会将在2021年7月23日开幕,并持续至8月8日。

The Paralympic Games, originally due to start on August 24, 2020, will now take place between August 24 and September 5, 2021.原定于2020年8月24日开幕的东京残奥会将在2021年8月24日至9月5日之间举行。

The Olympics will still be called Tokyo 2020 despite taking place in 2021.虽然推迟到2021年举行,但本届奥运会仍将使用“东京2020”的名称。




I am confident that, working together with the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Japanese Government and all our stakeholders, we can master this unprecedented challenge.我相信,我们能够与东京2020奥组委、东京都厅、日本政府以及所有成员通力合作,战胜这次前所未有的挑战。

Humankind currently finds itself in a dark tunnel. These Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 can be a light at the end of this tunnel.当前,人类正处于一个黑色的隧道之中,而东京2020奥运会是这个隧道尽头的一束光。


When the Paralympic Games do take place in Tokyo next year, they will be an extra-special display of humanity uniting as one, a global celebration of human resilience and a sensational showcase of sport.明年残奥会在东京真正举行的时候,将是人类团结如一的超凡体现,是全世界对人类坚韧不拔精神的赞颂,是体育精神的盛大展现。

With the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games 512 days away, the priority for all those involved in the Paralympic movement must be to focus on staying safe with their friends and family during this unprecedented and difficult time.距离东京2020残奥会还有512天,所有相关人员必须优先考虑的是,在这个前所未有的困难时刻,与家人和朋友在一起,保重自己。


Purchased tickets would be valid for rescheduled events or a refund could be requested when the new dates were set, organisers previously confirmed.组委会此前已经确认,之前购买的门票在赛事改期后依然有效,新的赛事日期确定后也可申请退款。


It has previously been confirmed that all athletes already qualified and quota places already assigned will remain unchanged.此前已经确认,已经获得奥运会参赛资格的运动员以及分配的比赛名额将保持不变。


奥运会会歌,《奥林匹克圣歌》 Olympic Hymn/Anthem

奥林匹克体育场 Olympic Stadium

奥运会主场地 main Olympic venue

奥运火炬台(塔) Olympic cauldron

奥运火炬 Olympic torch

火炬手 torch bearer

火炬接力 torch relay


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
