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在15-18世纪中国与西方技术发展比较分析科技作为科学技术的简称,大多数时候被视为不可分割的整体,但是科学与技术之间仍然有着明显的界限和隔阂,科学多偏近于纯理论探索,而技术则贴近于生活实际。在中国古代社会与欧洲产生了众多的科学技术成果,但是在15世纪的印度似乎并没有什么亮眼的表现。在美版知乎Quora上就有印度网友发出这样的提问:在15世纪,中国、印度和欧洲哪个技术更先进? 让我们来看看他们是怎么说的吧。





I’m going to say that, at least by the end of the 15th century, Europe had a slight edge. Not so much because of the specific technologies it had that China and India didn’t - the longbow, plate armor, stained glass. These were arguably surpassed by India’s comparatively more advanced textiles, suspension bridges, and its unique use of elephants as beasts of burden, and China’s porcelain, seismography, and canal engineering.


And the keys to the future did not lie in plate armor, the longbow, or stained glass anyway. But the European caravel and carrack, with their lateen sails, were the way forward to the modern ships that would make Europeans mappers and masters of the world’s oceans; Zheng He’s leviathans were simply too huge and expensive to be practical for exploring the world, even if China had not crippled itself with the Haijin edicts against long-distance voyages.



Still the most remarkable advantage Europe had by the end of the 15th century was its receptiveness to new technology. Europe had achieved this state of parity to India and China largely by absorbing, or at best replicating, Indian and Chinese technology: gunpowder, rockets, the movable type printing press, the crossbow, the compass, the spinning wheel, Hindu-Arabic numerals, silk production, horse collars, the moldboard plow, stirrups. Without this willingness and ability to adopt newfangled outlandish tricks, Europe would have remained a backwater, as it had been for most of history. There was no similar move by China or India to adopt Gothic plate armor, the longbow, stained glass, or the caravel or carrack.



As late as 1792, the Qianlong Emperor contemptuously dismissed British offerings of spring clocks, telescopes, planetaria, and warship designs: “Our Celestial Empire possesses all things in prolific abundance and lacks no product within its borders. There is therefore no need to import the manufactures of outside barbarians.” That was the attitude that reduced China from being clearly the most powerful empire in the world in the 1400s to humiliation at the hands of an island kingdom with a tenth of its population in the 1800s.




You picked just about the most difficult century to make an easy call on. China in the first century of the Ming dynasty was quite technologically advanced: anyone with a passing familiarity with Chinese history and culture at the time will think of the ocean-going vessels of Admiral Zheng He's fleet, of the massive imperial kilns at Jingdezhen and the unrivaled Chinese abilities in porcelain, the fact that moveable type printing was already commonplace.




There was already current a kind of proto-empiricist or rationalist strain of thought (this is debatable) ascendant in early Ming—the legacy of the the eminent Song Dynasty Neo-Confucian thinker, Zhu Xi.


But Europe during that time—especially Italy—the Renaissance was in full flower and the brilliance of Islamic civilization and of the Aristotelian and other classical philosophical traditions it had preserved were already transforming thinking and laying the groundwork for the Age of Reason.


Clumsy Roman numerals had by this time already mostly given way to the Indo-Arabic numerals we now use, and with that, there were tremendous advances in mathematics. The Age of Exploration was already underway. And Europe was on the cusp of the Reformation: Erasmus already writing broadly, Abelard in France, and William of Occam in England, had already advanced logic considerably. Wycliffe and Hus had already challenged clerical authority and paved the way for a revolution in thought.


I think the 15th century was really the inflection point, and by the early 16th, it was pretty clear that Europe had a kind of internal dynamism that was going to produce more technological breakthrough—nothing like endemic warfare to do that—while China was in what some scholars have described as a "high-energy equilibrium trap," where the incentive for technological innovation wasn't really there.




At the time, both cultures were in flower, and the West had not yet discovered many practical uses for gunpowder, while the Chinese, if I recall, already had rockets and noisemakers, though they never got the barrel right for a while.


The Chinese were mapping the world, and one theoretician says that Portugal stole the Chinese maps that led them to the East.


Both had flourishing science, armor, sophisticated war techniques, and things like pumps and clocks which Europe didn't get for a while. They had a culture of scholarship, and I don't believe that the West ever could hold a candle to the Confucian scholarship system for chosing public officials. In Europe, if you could read, it was a miracle.


The renaissance everyone talks about did come up with a lot of new inventions, technologies, and culture, true, but a lot of it was the re-discovery of the old Greek sciences. Contact with the Arabs had re-taught Greek to the classicissts, and a lot of the sciences were rekindled by the Greek spirit of written experiments that weren't informed by theories of Aristotle, or rather, restricted.


The church was losing it's vise-grip on the mind of people, and just as importantly, and often forgotten, the vicious rounds of the Plagues that wiped out up to 30% of Europe in some periods were winding down, allowing people to stop praying endlessly so it would hit their family, this time. City states were rising, etc...


So, I'd call it a draw in the 15th century, which is fine, since they never met.


In the 16th century, the technology award goes to the Turks, and most efficient use of gun-powder, and the advantage of not losing many of the old roman technologies that theWest had lost long ago.


Yep- waterproof cement. Invented by the Romans, used by the Turks, forgotten by the West until the 18th or 19th century!




Most of the civilised world was more advanced than Europe in 1500. Europe's big advantage was in sailing ships, and in being first to make substantial contact with the much weaker powers of the New World.


Adam Smith in the late 18th century mentions that India and China were much richer than any part of Europe. He also notes that China did not seem hugely different from what Marco Polo had described, whereas Europe was changing fast.




The decisive difference between the state-sponsored overseas voyages by China and by Europe was that the Chinese discovered nothing new and nothing very profitable. Whereas the Spanish encountered an unexpected New World rich in gold and vulnerable to Old World military technology, while the Portuguese gained immediate vast profits by direct trade with the Spice Islands.


China meantime had become much more inward-looking under the later Ming and the northern-barbarian Manchus. Yet visitors from 18th century Europe remained impressed by it, especially tea and china-ware, which became important items of trade. And in the Wealth Of Nations, Adam Smith warmly endorsed the standard 18th-century view of China was an advanced rational Empire, while also noticing the poverty of its lower orders:

China is a much richer country than any part of Europe, and the difference between the price of subsistence in China and in Europe is very great. Rice in China is much cheaper than wheat is any where in Europe. (The Wealth Of Nations, I.xi.e.24, page 208)


In China, a country much richer than any part of Europe, the value of precious metals is much higher than in any part of Europe. As the wealth of Europe, indeed, has increased greatly since the discovery of the mines of America, so the value of gold and silver has gradually diminished. (Ibid., I.xi.n, page 255)

在中国,一个比欧洲任何地方都富有的国家,贵金属的价值也比欧洲任何地方都高。事实上,自从美洲的矿藏被发现以来,欧洲的财富大大增加了,因此金银的价值逐渐减少了。(出处同上,I.xi。n, 255页)

The retinue of a grandee in China or Indostan [sic] accordingly is, by all accounts, much more numerous and splendid than that of the richest subjects in Europe… in manufacturing art and industry, China and Indostan, though inferior, seem not to be much inferior to any part of Europe. The money price of the greater part of manufactures, therefore, will naturally be much lower in those great empires than it is any-where in Europe. (Ibid, I.XI.g, pages 223-4)

因此,在中国或印度斯坦(原文如此),根据大家的说法,比欧洲最富有的臣民的随从要多得多,也要精彩得多……在制造艺术和工业方面,中国和印度斯坦虽然不如欧洲的任何地方,但似乎并不比欧洲的任何地方差多少。因此,在这些大帝国,大部分制造业产品的货币价格自然会比欧洲任何地方都低得多。g、223 - 4页)

China has been long one of the richest, that is, one of the most fertile, best cultivated, most industrious, and most populous countries in the world. It seems, however, to have been long stationary. Marco Polo, who visited it more than five hundred years ago, describes its cultivation, industry, and populousness, almost in the same terms in which they are described by travellers in the present times.


It had perhaps, even long before his time, acquired that full complement of riches which the nature of its laws and institutions permits it to acquire. The accounts of all travellers, inconsistent in many other respects, agree in the low wages of labour, and in the difficulty which a labourer finds in bringing up a family in China. If by digging the ground a whole day he can get what will purchase a small quantity of rice in the evening, he is contented.


The condition of artificers is, if possible, still worse. Instead of waiting indolently in their work-houses, for the calls of their customers, as in Europe, they are continually running about the streets with the tools of their respective trades, offering their service, and as it were begging employment. The poverty of the lower ranks of people in China far surpasses that of the most beggarly nations in Europe.

Even Adam Smith was wrong to suppose China had been static since the days of Marco Polo. It actually had a much bigger population, and the poverty he reports may have been due to this. There had also been a slow but steady accumulation of new inventions. Still, he correctly puts China and India on a level with Europe in his day.

就连亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)认为中国自马可波罗(Marco Polo)时代以来就一直处于静止状态的想法也是错误的。它实际上有更多的人口,他报告的贫困可能是由于这个原因。新发明也在缓慢而稳定地积累。尽管如此,他还是正确地将中国和印度与他那个时代的欧洲相提并论。